Marco Vassena


I am interested in principled approaches to the design and implementation of secure systems. In my research, I have applied information-flow control techniques to build rich programming languages in which programs are secure by construction.

About Me

I am a Postdoc at the CISPA-Stanford Center for Cybersecurity. In 2019, I completed a PhD in Computer Science at Chalmers University of Technology under the supervision of Alejandro Russo.


  • I will join the faculty of Utrecht University as an assistant professor in May!
  • I am serving on the PC of Haskell'22
  • I will teach how to formalize programming languages in Agda at Stanford
  • Blade has won the distinguihsed paper award at POPL 2021!


Marco Vassena, Craig Disselkoen, Klaus v. Gleissenthall, Sunjay Cauligi, Rami Gökhan Kici, Ranjit Jhala, Dean Tullsen, Deian Stefan
POPL 2021
In Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages

Kevin Morio, Dennis Jackson, Marco Vassena, Robert Künnemann
PLAS 2020
In Proc. of the ACM SIGSAC Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security

Carlos Tomé Cortiñas, Marco Vassena, Alejandro Russo
CSF 2020
In Proc. of IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium

Marco Vassena, Gary Soeller, Peter Amidon, Matthew Chan, and Deian Stefan
POST 2019
Principles of Security and Trust

Marco Vassena, Alejandro Russo, Deian Stefan, Deepak Garg, Vineet Rajani
POPL 2019
In Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages

Marco Vassena, Alejandro Russo, Pablo Buiras, Lucas Waye
JLAMP 2018
In Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

Marco Vassena, Joachim Breitner and Alejandro Russo
CSF 2017
In Proc. of IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium

Marco Vassena and Alejandro Russo
PLAS 2016
In Proc. of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security

Marco Vassena, Pablo Buiras, Lucas Waye and Alejandro Russo
In Proc. of European Symposium on Research in Computer Security

Marco Vassena
TyDe 2016
In Proc. of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Type-Driven Development


Marco Vassena
PhD Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology

Marco Vassena
Licentiate Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology

Marco Vassena
Master Thesis, Utrecht University



Teaching Assistant


PC member


I have taken part in the review process of the following conferences and journals:


Office 2.18
Stuhlsatzenhaus 5
CISPA − Helmholtz Center for Information Security
66123 Saarbrücken
