Download Scyther-compromise 0.9.2 (April 4, 2014)
Linux (This version was tested more thoroughly than the others)
Mac OS X (still 0.9.1, update coming soon)
The Mac OS X version is often a little behind, sorry. (Donate a Mac to solve this issue.)
Protocol models
This version of Scyther supports all protocols available for the regular version. Additionally, many protocols that are more resilient against compromising adversaries are included in the distribution. You can directly access the additional protocol models here.
Generating a protocol-security hierarchy
- Extract the archive and run the python script with the --paper switch to generate the adversary-model hierarchy and protocol-security hierarchy, e.g., type on the command line in this directory:
./ --paper
and hit enter.
- If you're prompted for missing dependencies (such as Graphviz), or things just don't work, it may be useful to look at the main Scyther page on how to install Scyther successfully.
Note that a warning for the 'progressbar' library may appear but this is not strictly needed to run the script; you will only not see, guess what, a progress bar.
- The script should finish fast (a few seconds) as it is using data stored in a cache file. You may manually remove the cache file to recompute the results. Details are displayed when running the test script.
The protocol description files used for the tests are located in the Protocols/AdversaryModels/ subdirectory.
Using the graphical user interface
- Run to start the graphical user interface as you would for the normal version of Scyther. The options for setting the adversary-compromise models can be found under the second tab.